Autor Tema: Flyhawk New:1/350 Kango!!1/700 U Boat VIIB!!PE Details  (Leído 3526 veces)


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Flyhawk New:1/350 Kango!!1/700 U Boat VIIB!!PE Details
« en: 17 de Agosto del 2009, 04:58:44 »
[b]Hey ,here is the most precisive 1/350 Kango Super Detail ,including 14 pieces Photoetch frets,,8 pieces of 356 full copper main artillery,plus 12pieces of 150 full copper secondary battery,specially made for 1/350 Aoshima Kango,perfecting your bridge,flying Deck and Anti-aircraft cannon platform,improving the model appearance greatly with many corrected mistakes in research.That’s the 1/350 magnificent Kango with very extensive photoetch accessories….
PS:1/350 Kango for Fujimi is on the way…..[/b]